Reports from Annex III - Environmental and Social Impacts
Survey on Positive and Negative Environmental and Social Impacts and Effects of Mitigation Measures on Hydropower Development (2000) 346kb
The objectives of this study, in which seven countries participated, were to produce a set of international recommendations and criteria for improving the environmental management of hydropower. These objectives extended to developing the information base required for making environmental comparison between hydropower and other forms of electricity production. Appendices to this report are also available. (1.96MB)
A Comparison of the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower with those of Other Generation Technologies (2000) 946kb.
This report describes the general characteristics of different ways of producing electricity in terms of their environmental impact. The scope of the study covers hydropower, coal, natural gas, biomass fuels, nuclear and wind power. A life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology has been used to compare different options, as well as other means.
Survey of existing guidelines, legislative framework and standard procedures for EIA of hydropower projects (2000) 175kb
A survey and analysis of the way in which the process of environmental impact assessment is implemented in seventeen countries and/or regions. Contributions to the survey were also received from the Legal group of UNIPEDE/EURELECTRIC, and the World Bank. The report focuses on four areas(i) the environmental impact assessment and licensing process, its problems and best practices, (ii) principles of international environmental laws and sustainable development, (iii) analyses, findings, and assessment of legal mechanisms, and ethical considerations, and (iv) recommendations to improve existing practices and regulatory frameworks.
Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures (2000) 1.73MB
The report presents mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures associated with approximately 130 projects. The information is based on actual case studies and on the experience of practitioners and environmental professionals involved with the hydropower industry.
Hydropower and the Environment: Present Context and Guidelines for Future Action (2000) 2.71MB
Update of Recommendations on Hydropower and the Environment 2010This report reviews processes and conditions which make hydroelectric projects environmentally and socially acceptable, identifies international best practices, and proposes a set of recommendations on hydroelectricity and the environment in relation to energy policy frameworks; stakeholders and the decision-making process; the application of environmental and social criteria when comparing project alternatives; improving environmental management of hydropower plants; and sharing benefits with local communities.
Summary and Recommendations (533kb) and Appendices (686kb) to the above report are also available.
The update of these recommendations, published in October 2010 is also now available.