112-3 In line type Francis Water Turbine
Electrical & Mechanical Equipment
Development of a water turbine of 200kW or lower output having the properties of ‘compactness’, ‘simple design’, ‘low price’ and ‘low maintenance costs’ for use in micro hydropower applications, while at the same time retaining the advantages of the conventional Francis turbine (eg response to variations in head and flow).
Features & Advantages
- Applicable to higher heads and lower flows than propeller (tubular) water turbines
- Able to accommodate variable flows
- Simplification of components downstream of the guide vanes by use of a gear mechanism in place of guide
- vane links and pin
- Number of parts reduced by half
- Also suitable for installation in existing pressure regulator chambers etc.
- Emits no pollutants, and therefore suited to use with potable water
Technology Owner
Tanaka Hydraulic Machinery Works Co., Ltd. Operations Division — www.tanasui.co.jp